New witnesses refute Benghazi lies told by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
The rule of law is just for the little people… … Continue reading → The post New witnesses refute Benghazi lies told by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared first on TeeJaw Blog.
View ArticleSubjective Moral Reasoning
During the open forum at the University of Pennsylvania in Febuary, 2014 a young student asked Ravi Zacharias and Nabeel Qureshi: “Why are you so afraid of subjective moral reasoning?” Obviously, the...
View ArticleAre humans hardwired for violence?
Some of them are for sure. But it is an innate tendency for all of us? There is some new evidence that Neanderthals butchered and ate each other. Some older evidence that at least one factor in the...
View ArticleWhy Nazism Was Socialism
The following is an excerpt from Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian, by George Reisman. It’s an essay that was originally delivered as a lecture at the Ludwig von Mises...
View ArticleWhy Trump won — contrasting statements of Trump and Obama on Castro death
Trump won because he offered the American people a clear choice between a continuation under Hillary Clinton of Obama’s icky progressivism that smiles at America’s enemies and snarls at America’s...
View ArticleFidel Castro’s Firing Squads, Atrocities and Crimes
This will make you wonder what Obama would have hoped to become if he were able to stay in office. I don’t believe Hillary is much different. The reason “Progressives” are so enamored of Castro is...
View ArticleA “Million Mom March” From 75 years ago
The first million mom march was made by some Jewish moms nearly 70 years ago. It happened at Mizocz Ghetto, Poland on October 14, 1942. These mom’s husbands were sent to labor and/or death camps. Then...
View ArticleIs the United States importing a criminal class?
On Thursday evening Mark Steyn joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News to discuss the new figures released by the Justice Department showing that one-fifth of federal prisoners are non-native-born, and that...
View ArticleBlack On Black Murder in Chicago — A Terrible Situation
This article By Devin Foley was originally published on Republished here with permission. Chicago: 75% of Murdered Are Black, 71% of Murderers Are Black After hearing about a...
View ArticleHaunting lessons on political economy in new book about China’s “Great Leap...
This was first posted on June 1, 2013. I find it still relevant. Economist John Taylor tells us that Yang Jisheng was just awarded the 2012 Hayek Prize for his book Tombstone about the Chinese famine...
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